Panhandlers all over the place. Please Jesus, save them all and provide for their needs. You love the poor and the needy, please help each one of them we pray. Amen Please God, bring everyone of them to church this Sunday and get them saved. Amen
Heavenly Father, all those panhandlers I saw in on the road need Jesus saving grace and mercy so they too will be blessed. Some use the money to buy alcohol or drugs. Please Jesus, save them all. Also pray for those drunk drivers who love to speed up and go through red lights and wreck their...
Prayers for all those panhandlers who need Jesus to supply their needs. Pray that they will be saved first and get baptized and read Gods word and obey what it says, so Jesus will bless them and help them with every single need they have. O Lord, bring them all to church for prayer meeting and...
Dear Jesus, please fill our church with unbelievers, sinners. those who are going through a hard time and panhandlers so they will get saved and blessed and be on their way to heaven. Fill our prayer meeting with people who are hungry to hear Gods word. In Jesus name. Amen
Gods word is very clear on how we should act and do before those panhandlers and those who live in tents under bridges.
I was hungry and you gave me food to eat.... Jesus said.
Matt. 25.35
The root causes of homelessness and the poor are joblessness, unemployment, high housing costs, medical...
As I lift my hands in surrender to Your holy name o Lord my God, praises come out of my heart for what You are doing and are going to do for those lost souls who came to church. Dear Lord, save those panhandlers and those who lost their jobs. May God be with them and bless them. Amen
Please pray for all panhandlers who beg in the street for coins. Please Jesus, save them and bless their life. Bring all of them to church and may Your holy presence help them see the way that leads to heaven. Amen
Dear God, please send blessing and help to those who are begging for bread and those pan handlers we see in the streets. Please Jesus, save them, help them and those refugees from Ukraine and other countries, please Jesus, help them to find a country and a place to live. They are being left with...