Oh Lord deliver me from the spirit that is always coming to moles me while am sleeping and restore me in areas of my life, Oh Lord open the doors of job opportunities and the doors of celebration in my life and my family's. Bless my sisters and their husbands. Oh Lord open the doors of financial...
1. Abba please give my own husband, I want my own husband. I want my own marrital breakthrough and settlement. 😭😭😭😭😭 2. Abbah please let my own wedding hold miraculously by August 2023 3. Arise oh Lord and fight my battles for me for I am tiired. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 4. Father I need my rest, take me into my...
1 abba
4 father
5 father
country: nigeria
denier disappointment loneliness stagnancy backwardness
good thing
household witchcraft powers
life 9 father
marital breakthrough