outside obstacles

  1. natasha2

    Sleep, rest, protection, joy, peace, vision

    This saturday and sunday - to have amazing rest and sleep (no inside our outside obstacles). Rejuvanation and rest, recuparation. PROTECTION FROM ANY EVIL ENERGY AND PEOPLE, from confusion, mess, depression, oppresion (inside and out), from noise in my building, from manipulation and witchcraft...
  2. natasha2

    Sleep, stomach flue

    Good sweet sleep. No inside or outside obstacles. No nausea in my stomach (stomach flue/virus) No other discomfort or chills or feeling of fever or fever.
  3. natasha2

    Good sleep, perfect weight, moderate appetite, no stomach nervosity

    Healthy eating sleeping walking exercising habits. Dropping to my perfect weight which is 77 kg. Good sweet sleep whenever i lay down. Enough of sleep always. Uninterrupted healthy regenerating sleep. No inside or outside obstacles for good sleep. Joy, fullfillement, satisfaction, no...
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