other wives

  1. Hachnya

    Good morning. These are my prayer requests. ...

    Good morning. These are my prayer requests. 1. One of my wife whom I married before others has been waiting for the past 8 years and other wives of mine has given birth to two three children respectively. My prayer is that for her shame God should bless her with twins this year a boy and a girl...
  2. Articles

    Prayer: Pursuing Intimacy

    Dear Lord, I pray for myself and for other wives who struggle with initiating intimacy. I pray we would have the courage to pursue our husbands. I pray we would not let other excuses help us justify why we shouldn’t. I pray nothing steals our heart’s attention away from our husbands. May You...
  3. Articles

    Prayer: Insecurities With Your Spouse

    Dear God, Thank You for Your lovingkindness. You have shown me time and time again the love You have for me. I pray over my marriage right now. May You help me to be the best wife I can be to my husband. I pray for other wives to be a blessing to their husbands as well. Please help us not to be...
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