other phone

  1. Ioron


    We would like to give thanks, unto the Lord, for having a good Thanksgiving, and hopefully the holidays ahead will be the same, and we all have good days ahead, and we pray the same for others, as well. In Jesus name, we pray. We pray in Jesus name that we get through all our Dr.'s appointments...
  2. Anonymous

    Need to find my other phone and ...

    Need to find my other phone and glasses urgently lord and heal have to rest but ate so much please have mercy and restore all that your enemies stole from us and clear any mosquitoes and attacks from your enemies amen
  3. Anonymous

    Lord please Help to find my other ...

    Lord please Help to find my other phone and bless this important call soon that this person is a Godly Knowledgeable Low cost worker we Can Trust and this other one leaves me alone. Your Angels eyes Are on fire with the swords out chasing Your enemies Away from us Please Heal Help Bless and...
  4. Anonymous

    Lord Heal hand pain discomfort and Teeth ...

    Lord Heal hand pain discomfort and Teeth molars. Bring favor wisdom justice and GUIDANCE and how many times do these people have to keep calling for appointment this Is too excessive help to be on time and this other appt call on my other phone while I’m out and please have them do a good job...
  5. Anonymous

    If You be for us Lord who ...

    If You be for us Lord who can be against us! Smells like smoke something strange is Burning. Please bring wisdom and guidance protection justice and Favor when I speak to my dr soon, bring a clear mind so I can remember what I need to ask at my Dr.s appointments and don’t let them conflict...
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