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  1. Tethonian

    Our church burned throughout a couple days ...

    Our church burned throughout a couple days ago. God used fire in 20 verses in the Bible to illustrate His power, that He is the only source of power. to show what it is. I am in hysterics. I pray for God's good will to give me relief because I am troubled. And I am asking for prayer to calm down...
  2. Dwenga


    I am praying for the healing of my households mind body and soul in Jesus name. I am praying that my wife and I will have our child conceived this year and Jesus name and brought you fruition the following year in Jesus name. I'm praying for finances that I may help with the poor and give to...
  3. Bughdrae

    Good morning, Please pray for our church.Few ...

    Good morning, Please pray for our church.Few members from our church and some people from other ministries are going to misguide , confuse our members.They are disturbing our relegious activities. Please pray for our church peace.
  4. Terisard

    202111210742.....'Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from ...

    202111210742.....'Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.” Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that...
  5. Itheshea

    My wife smt guntur moji suvarna kumari ...

    My wife smt guntur moji suvarna kumari who is long supporter to Jesus calls & other ministries with you. Now she is suffering fever covid since 5 days pray for us early recovery From kalapala jaya prasad
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