May video games be BANNED WORLD WIDE. I will write thousands to prayer warriors world wide which is europe, africa, australia, south america, north america, and asia to BAN video games because of all the evil. May God permanently remove these video games forever: clashroyale, fortnite...
clashroyale fortnite brawlstarts
country: unknown
europe africa australia
free fire max call
north america
south america
video games
I am the only person in the world who is eager to BAN all types of video games worldwide. May video games be BANNED WORLD WIDE. I will write thousands to prayer warriors world wide which is europe, africa, australia, south america, north america, and asia to BAN video games because of all the...
australia south america
clashroyale fortnite brawlstarts
country: unknown
europe africa
free fire max call
north america
video games
I am the only person in the world who is eager to bad all types of video games worldwide. I will write thousands to prayer warriors world wide which is europe, africa, australia, south america, north america, and asia to BAN video games because of all the evil. May God permanently remove these...
God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my son and my children’s life, my brothers and sisters life alway. I am thankful for a job. I pray for Austin. I pray he will do as to where Jesus needs him to be for the sake of both. I pray for B.J., I pray he will pay his...