ortho strecher

  1. Carols

    For work to be finished soon.

    I have come to ### ### ###. For my father's medical visit. For his checkup and all. On ###. We're staying in a rent. Tomorrow we're going to neuro Dr. My father's neuro checkup. It's raining here since yesterday. I didn't think this many days will have to stay like. Thought we might stay for ...
  2. Carols

    Healing for James

    My father James 70yrs old since he had Ortho operation hip bone fracture operation. On July month. Since then he's having difficult in sleeping at night mostly. Discomfort in sleeping at night hrs. Not feeling peace in his mind. Worrying. He has high bp. Feels dizzy when walking. Cannot look...
  3. Carols

    Sleep healing and leg strength healing

    My father James 70yrs old since he had Ortho operation on July month. Till today he has sleep trouble. He can't sleep we'll at night. Trouble at night time mostly. Not able to sleep. Grumbling at night. Cos of his leg pain. He can't do much movement. Nor he can walk without ortho strecher...
  4. Carols

    Healing for peaceful sleep

    My father James 70yrs old. Has trouble sleeping at night. Waking up Evey time.. since he had hip bone fracture operation on 31st July. Till now he's not able to sleep we'll at night. As he's leg pains when he moves, he walks with the help of ortho strecher. Sometimes he sits in wheel chair...
  5. Carols


    My father James his insomania is been bit better than his precious time. Since one month he was struggling to sleep. Cos of insomania. Used to wakeup Evey time at night. Not been able to sleep. Cos of your all prayers he's bit better atleast. Thank you all for your prayers. Continue pray for my...
  6. Carols

    Pray request for my father James

    My father James still has insomania. He is not able to sleep well. Waking up every time even in mid night also. He wakeup evry time. So restless. We wish he sleeps we'll at this age of 70 yrs. They should sleep we'll n more in this old age. But my father having trouble in sleeping. He cannot...
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