opendoorsukorg aid8d files

  1. Taeweth

    Open Doors charity for persecuted Christians email - info and prayer for our family in Pakistan

    Pakistan: six ways to pray following devastating attacks Last week, a mob of Muslim extremists attacked a Christian community in Pakistan, burning down several churches and homes. Possessions were looted and Bibles destroyed. The violence took place in the city of Jaranwala in Punjab Province...
  2. Wylandadh

    Email from Open Doors charity for persecuted Christians including news from and prayers for Afghanistan and India

    God is moving powerfully among Afghan refugees As the past month has shown with the World Cup, football has a wonderful way of bringing people together. It happens all over the world – including in Central Asia, where an idea by Open Doors local partners has led to the emergence of...
  3. Wylandadh

    Email from Open Doors charity for Persecuted Christians with short prayers for a child in Iraq and brethren in Mexico and Turkey

    Mimi was driven from home by extremists – but now she's back and is determined to stay Mimi doesn’t really remember one of the most important moments of her life. She’s 12 now, but was only four years old when so-called Islamic State (IS) invaded her Christian community in the...
  4. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Sudan and Syria - Open Doors email

    PASTOR IN SUDAN JAILED AFTER BEING ATTACKED There are concerns that Christians in Sudan are facing worsening persecution, despite positive steps towards religious freedom in recent years. Pastor Stefanous was leading a church service in his community when a man entered the building and...
  5. Wylandadh

    day of prayer for 26 threatened Indian pastors - one has already been killed - Open Doors email

    JOIN A DAY OF PRAYER ON FRIDAY 8 APRIL FOR 26 THREATENED INDIAN PASTORS Our church family in India is calling for a day of prayer for 26 pastors who’ve been threatened with violent attacks. In January, a series of warning letters were distributed in Bijapur in Chhattisgarh State demanding that...
  6. Wylandadh

    email from Open Doors charity for persecuted Christians for prayers for our brethren in Afghanistan and Libya

    WHAT'S IT LIKE TO BE A SECRET BELIEVER IN AFGHANISTAN? "The Taliban are conducting a door-to-door search to find us,” says Gulshan in Afghanistan, whose name we've changed. "If they find us, they kill believers on the spot." Video: Gulshan's courageous story Gulshan is a secret believer, still...
  7. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - news and prayer requests from Iran and Indonesia - Open Doors email

    IRAN'S SUPREME COURT SAYS HOUSE CHURCH MEMBERSHIP NOT A CRIME In an amazing turnaround, Iran has decided that belonging to a house church does not make Christians ‘enemies of the state’. The country’s Supreme Court has ruled that nine Christian converts serving five-year prison sentences for...
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