open window

  1. natasha2

    Noise - midnight

    Lord Jesus remove that car with a very noisy engine and the young man in it who is speaking very loud on the phone with an open window. Lord it's 15 min after midnught and he is 15 min speaking loud. I cannot sleep. My windows are trembling of his engine. I believe that he is disturbing also the...
  2. natasha2

    Cab driver to be polite and helpful

    i am in a cab. I am going on a trip. Cab driver is arrogant and careless. Please pray that he will help me with the baggage and be polite concerning air condition and open window. My hair is wet from sweat. He literally ignores me... Also pray that he will drive gently. Also for me not to have...
  3. Jennsen

    Draw all of us close to You o Lord.

    It is an open window for God to see every thing we do and say. In order to draw closer to the heart of Jesus we must have a clean and pure heart before His holy presence. Let me never, ever speak any word. That is not true. For though I am old and weak. You will guide my steps towards...
  4. Anagniosyne

    Dear Lord, I’m going to try and ...

    Dear Lord, I’m going to try and travel home today, please keep me safe. Please watch over my family this morning. Please help me not to have any consequences at work. Lord help my presence to not disrupt my wife’s attitude and help her tests to come out really great, please Lord help with that...
  5. SarahJ

    Bully needs to vacate with his girlfriend ...

    Bully needs to vacate with his girlfriend ASAP!!!!! My upstairs neighbour has started a new anti social tactic spitting out of his window where he knows I open window to feed the cats to visibly see his handiwork out of anti social neighbours mouth. Please prayer warriors please keep praying for...
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