open doors supporters

  1. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - email from Open Doors with prayer requests for brethren in Qatar, Cameroon and Tajikistan

    "We're expecting a big move of the Holy Spirit during the World Cup" Christians in Qatar are inviting the global church to join with them in praying for a move of the Holy Spirit during the World Cup, which begins on Sunday (20 November). The country is number 18 on the World...
  2. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Iraq

    Give thanks that, with the help of Open Doors supporters; at least 126 churches in Iraq have been turned into Centres of Hope. 'I know for sure that our work has contributed to people staying," says Thomas, who oversees the work in the region. "The church has become smaller, but it is still...
  3. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Syria

    Praise Elohim that, with the help of Open Doors supporters, 160 Centres of Hope have been established across Syria. Please pray for wisdom for those providing vocational training and income-generating projects for those caught in poverty and pray for the economic crisis to be solved. Thanks so...
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