Hello I submitted a prayer to your online website and I wanted up saying this prayer request on Google I'm asking for my prayer to please be removed from your website because it's being posted all across Google and I wanted my prayer to be private
I'm so sad. Bullies aggressively face record me using their digital glasses, digital smart watch, phone, or camera every week for malicious intent. Please pray that they would remove all of them permanently. We also suffer from severe false equivalence and misplaced retribution. When someone...
Protection from enemies going to an online website where people use profanity. They are going out there every single day documenting every false evidence that I wrote them all. Their friends also use strong profanity such as the N word and other derogatory words and they don't realize they are...
country: unknown
false evidences
fictitious crimes
mass defamation
n word
other derogatory words
sexual abuse
strong profanity