As much as I give thanks to Jesus I have to credit this online prayer group. Best I’ve ever been a part of. The incredible feedback the amazing scriptures and messages are mind blowing. Even though my finances are funny I still was able to give a little coins to show Not just God but, everyone...
Dear God, Thank you for your love and for this online prayer group. I need some extra energy and faith to do my work and to keep up with the my responsibilities at home . Please do your will in my life. In Jesus name, Amen
Am praying for my pastor she is becoming weary , tired to pray and preach to our online group an also praying for confortfor masoka family for passing on for thei granny
Jesus please let my son cooperate today with school and please let the student who was saying how upset they were in online group get help they need. I reported to admins, but I am not trained to help. Please let someone give them the attention they need. Thank you Jesus, Amen.