Hello, It's been extremely hard for my mom and I to find any new jobs. My mom has been out of work for two years and I've been searching for a new part-time job because my current job has been terrible with my manager constantly being rude to me and my pay has been getting smaller by the second...
9 job interviews
country: united states
current job
job interview anxieties
job interview skills
job search
new jobs
new part time job
same thing
Please pray for me and my job/coworkers I feel so left out we go an entire day without saying anything to each other I try to talk to them and get one word answers I’m just not use to this kind of environment
He has suddenly grown cold to me and has stopped communicating with me.If i talk to him, he gives me one word answers as if someone has been feeding him with lies about me.I want my soulmate Tarisai to love me the way he used to love me when we met.Please pray for me, i feel empty without him.My...