Maximum protection over me and my family.
For me especially because people in the train no are talking too much, most of them on the phone, unbelievable. And because I have today classes with one pupil who is acting terribly (cursing, inappropriate speech, insulting and undermining me, and I...
constant night noise
country: croatia
inappropriate speech insulting
maximum protection
next door neighbor
one other pupilonepupil
particular evil spirit
refined way
send wave
One pupil is very disobedient and moques (disrespectful smile) when i ask him to do some stuff. He dies the sam irritating thing every now and then instead of listening to my instructions. I even have a feeling that he could snitch me to the principle. She (my principle,)cares alot about pupils...
1) High efficiency today concerning a) preparing for my work tomorrow and this week (I must read boring statutes and laws concerning state exames in my high school and create an exam for one pupil who repeats whole year).b) home cleaning /washing/ c) and all other stuff
2) no problems.with my...
1 high efficiency
4 regular menstrual cycle
boring statutes
country: croatia
easy menopause transition hormones glands
normal stomach acid
one particular group
other digestive issues
state exams
Health of my teeth and dental flesh. No cyst, swelling, abscess, cavities, plaque...
No swelling/abscess to tooth.
Detox of my body.
No gastritis.
No irritation, inflammation, sometimes feeling of vomiting sometimes, no diggestive issues of any kind.
No stress or tension.
Protection from any evil today.
Against any disturbing of my classes.
No harrassment from pupils of any kind or sabotages.Some of them were suspended from the classes for 10 days because they attacked one pupil and tried to strangle them. Lord put peace upon any evil spirit messing with me or my...
Lord, i am very worried concerning one pupil.
Lord, protect me from evil through him and whoever is helping him in the background with his ideas.
I feel big evil through him.
Lord, deliver me from this evil and from worry in Jesus name.
Problems in classrooms start again.
ONe of the pupils in 2b class disturbes classes, has very low knowledge in german (my subject) and is starting to disturbe me with his complaints what is allowed and what is not allowed concerning teachers. He is a pupil with special needs (individualized)...
2b class disturbed classes
big problems
country: croatia
fatalistic scenarios
law things
low knowledge
one person
special needs
spoiled spirit
Please pray for extra protection next week:
Next week some classes / pupils (highschool) have last days in the school and finish their education:
They have celebration days even during classes and in the halls:
Please pray that nothing will happen to me; and nobody will attack me; irritate...
Protection from crazy things that the pupils in our school could do.
There will be celebration in the school because of classes that are finishing the school.
Whistling and throwing confetties, flour.
My ears are hurting from whistling.
Some of pupils are violent while doing that.
They are...
PLease pray for me and my pupils with special needs. I dont want something bad to happen to me because of them. I had problems with one pupil because of his mother and she suit me and threatened also the school, but fortunately everything went well, the whole class got another teacher.
I now...
Mom of one pupil has send a letter to the school and my principle asks me to send the official answer to her till monday. I am afraid because i have made one mistake (talk to her about faith and that i will pray for her son because doctors cannot solve the problem for years, and she has written...
Anxiety about my health.
Anxiety about potential problems at work (mom a one pupil announced that she will put a complaint against me and some other teachers in the principles offitce).
No oppression, no depression, no feeling of emptiness, anxiety, fear.
Joy of the Lord, freedom of the Holy...
Protection from evil people, evil energies, evil events.
Protection from manipulation and witchcraft.
Protection from a mom of one pupil that wants to put complaint in the principles office against me and some other teachers.
I feel manipulation and witchcraft from her. She is drama queen and...