one particular thing

  1. natasha2

    Guidance, abundant blessing

    Lord guide me concerning one particular thing. And let me be abundantly blessed in this area - free time, activities, events...
  2. natasha2

    Purifying with the blood of Jesus, no worry, pressure

    Please pray that God will purify my soul and mind from fear and anxiety with the blood of Jesus. From thoughts of worry around one particular thing. It seems these thoughts are just coming back and putting pressure on me and bothering me with negative feelings.
  3. natasha2

    Sinuses, diggestion relaxed, no fear, good mood

    Opening up my sinuses. No anxiety or fear around one particular thing. No diggestive issues because of that. No fear or anxiety around Covid 19 and vaccination. Good mood, joy, faith and feeling relaxed.
  4. natasha2

    No fears, worry

    No fears, worry, anxiety about anything, especially about one particular thing. AMen
  5. natasha2

    No fear, anxiety

    No fear or anxiety around one particular thing. And in general.
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