thx intercessors for praying that income tax will b done accurately and asap. Pls also pray that I can get all paperwork together to begin 2021 return!!
Need paperwork in house to b in much better order. Pls cont to pray that excess finds great favor to sell asap.
Pls pray if i have to get 2019...
pls cont to pray that GOD will help me to declutter all. I also need heart condition healed--one main artery is 25% blocked. Our prayer group needs prayers that we all can come to unity @ mask wearing; it appears SATAN is afraid of our prayer group & is causing dissension; division.
Thx for...
tHX intercessors for cont to pray that a collectn d/o stops; that all excess finds Great favor to sell asap; that i can clear out my home in prep for a move!! The enemy is so bad to blind me to a very destructive habit--hoardn. thx for prayers that God can direct my steps to a great move to a...
backslidden woman
collectn d o
country: unknown
destructive habit hard thx
evil pls
great favor
great location pls
heart disease pts
thx intercessors