one individual

  1. Rochowin

    I pray that a big number of ...

    I pray that a big number of witches behind my situation is defeated by the power of the holy spirit. My situation started with one individual, who later exposed me to the others who are bewitching me and using or hiding in my body in form of snakes. I dream all the time because I am living with...
  2. Hoplosia

    I was at a full-time job, but ...

    I was at a full-time job, but the work setting was so toxic and the manager was explosive & emotionally unhinged, so I prayed that God would provide a way out! After 2 months, He opened a door to a part-time job, so I was grateful to God for that! However, it is only 12 hours per week . . . So I...
  3. Plaraelelk

    Prayer for breakthroughs

    Please pray with me that I will get financial breakthroughs this year. Persons owe me money for work I have done and have failed to pay me. One individual has not even responded to my email requesting payment. That I will get a favorable response from the other party in regard to the house...
  4. Anonymous

    I feel so depressed and full of ...

    I feel so depressed and full of resentment and anger towards one individual and other things in my life, and empty of spiritual or emotional or physical relief. I know this is not good for me or others. Please help restore me to peace of mind and love.
  5. Anonymous

    Not one InDividual notone person pretends they ...

    Not one InDividual notone person pretends they want to b here no more fake it until u make it Christi Anthony weapons who destroyed the planet me Myles Hass Enrique my family go to sleep don't wake up anymore David Sharon Kayleena Albert Paula his wife His Mother Albert Salcedo Mother His...
  6. Holand

    God move the unbelief peace

    God move the unbelief peace let the World be at peace Tina no souls to eat. Scott and the blues get along greatly. Fetanol isn't great or addicting it dies out as wickedness b as rotteness. No famine I get land where I'm supposed to Freemason aren't cursed especially my bloodline. No heavy...
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