one diabetes insulin resistance

  1. Jesussaves89

    mom gogint o dentist aksign the lOr dof rmirace dental flehs healign miralce nee

    Priase report: forst off iw oudl liekt ot hank God for all the mriacle she has been doign in or lvies. grandma seems ot have giane dosme weight oprais egod i also have recieved helaign of boens and felsh . I ask God to hela my mom today sheedd spracyers protect she is ignt he the denits.t aksign...
  2. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray the mdeical report for ym ...

    pleas epray the mdeical report for ym dads heart an dlung sis positive and the Lord gives him eevrythign her needs to be healthy and whole in Christ our Lord in His name BY His stripes He is healed. Lord Jesus Chris ti pray htis over HIm.pleas epray for my grandma to be dlevere dof small bowel...
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