old father healthy eyes

  1. natasha2

    Dog barking, Hipp pain, stomach, cancer, blindness

    1) this dog is barking whole day, even in the night sometimes. Lord do something about it because the owners wont..They even put him on the terrace so that the whole neighbourhood is disturbed. 2) no pain in my muscles, nerves,bones, whatever it is in my body, especially my hipps, leggs and...
  2. natasha2

    Breast cancer, possible blindness, school restaurant, honor at work, teacher success

    1) my good friend in Christ.Helena - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight 2) my old father - healthy eyes, perfect 20/20 vision, no blury vision or double vision, no consequences of cataract, glaucoma, bad surgeries. No "danger of blindness' according to doctors. Also excellent eyesight for me...
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