old age brother

  1. Anlathulelea

    There is an URGENT PRAYER REQUEST. We ...

    There is an URGENT PRAYER REQUEST. We are living in a rented house. Day before yesterday, people from the electricity department came to our house and disconnected the power supply. The reason was that the house owner has not taken a proper electricity connection although he charged money from...
  2. Quaeranalea

    Praise the lord brother, from, J.william Daniel ...

    Praise the lord brother, from, J.william Daniel Age=30 Place:Kanakapura- town, Bangalore Karnataka-state, india Brother, i don't know english language ,please understand My prayer requests. Brother, iam a cooly worker, my family is a poor family and iam only one son for my parents and my parents...
  3. Quaeranalea

    Praise the lord brother, from, J.william Daniel ...

    Praise the lord brother, from, J.william Daniel Age=30 Place:Kanakapura- town, Karnataka-state, india Brother, i don't know english and malayalam, please understand My prayer requests. Brother, iam a cooly worker, my family is a poor family and iam only one son for my parents and my parents are...
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