nutri store

  1. Joy ellis

    Please pray that my store prospers

    Dear prayer partners, I seek your help in praying for the prosperity of my Health and well being store name JOY’S NUTRI STORE. I became and IBO of an online store selling health products in 6 categories. I am grateful for the sales I have gotten so far and ask God to bless those who has...
  2. Joy ellis

    Prayer for my store to prosper.

    Dear prayer partners, I seek your help in approaching God for his blessings on my store. The name is JOY’S NUTRI STORE. I sell health products in 6 categories of need. However my store needs customers to survive and I am very grateful for those who have supported me the way they can financially...
  3. Joy ellis

    Prayer for my businesses

    Dear prayer partners, Please pray for me and my businesses. It’s Joy’s Nutri store, I sell health products and have been advertising but barely getting sales. I also sell glasses and that barely has any sales too. Please pray that things may turn around for the better for the both store. I...
  4. Joy ellis

    Prayer for my Health store.

    Dear prayer partners, I seek your help in prayer for the prosperity of my Health Store, Joy’s Nutri store. May I start getting customers who are interested in making a change to their health. May I get other persons to partner with me to grow the business. May I get persons visiting my store...
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