May video games be BANNED WORLD WIDE. I will write thousands to prayer warriors world wide which is europe, africa, australia, south america, north america, and asia to BAN video games because of all the evil. May God permanently remove these video games forever: clashroyale, fortnite...
clashroyale fortnite brawlstarts
country: unknown
europe africa australia
free fire max call
other games
south america
video games
I am the only person in the world who is eager to BAN all types of video games worldwide. May video games be BANNED WORLD WIDE. I will write thousands to prayer warriors world wide which is europe, africa, australia, south america, north america, and asia to BAN video games because of all the...
australia south america
clashroyale fortnite brawlstarts
country: unknown
europe africa
free fire max call
other games
video games
I am the only person in the world who is eager to bad all types of video games worldwide. I will write thousands to prayer warriors world wide which is europe, africa, australia, south america, north america, and asia to BAN video games because of all the evil. May God permanently remove these...
I can not longer stay in the country where I am at the moment as they pray to other gods, I pray for a breakthrough to go and teach inSpain or near North America as a esl teacher . I am very down
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son and Holy Spirit in our life always. God, I pray today because Kīlauea volcano in Hawaii has erupted, all the people, on the Pacific Coast, I pray you calm it down. God, I pray you calm it down because there are millions of...
Thank You Heavenly Father for our guardians of freedom who are fighting for the Canadians' fundamental rights. A God sent team of lawyers have been dispatch to take on the illegal vaccine passports throughout the Canadian provinces which circumvent our religious freedoms.
High place lawyers have...
british columbia
canadian provinces
canadians' fundamental rights
country: canada
heavenly father
high place lawyers
illegal vaccine passports
long battle
many other nations