normal moderate period

  1. natasha2

    Period last for to long

    Everything healthy and normal around my menstrual cycle, period, menopause transition. Normal moderate period, not excessive. It is a 9th day. My period lasts to long. Pray about it. Pray for peace and faith for healing, no fear or anxiety around health. Amen
  2. natasha2

    Emotions, diggestion, pms, health, joy....

    EVERYTHING AROUND MY EMOTIONS, STOMACH, DIGGESTION, MENSTRUAL CYCLE - HEALTHY, HEALED AND NORMAL. No worry or anxiety. Normal breathing. Normal heartbeat. No diggestive issues. No stomach tensions or pain. No bloating. Relaxation no tension. No PMS or menopause transition symptoms. Normal...
  3. natasha2

    To long/excessive period

    Normal moderate period. 4-6 days Normal menstrual cycle. 28-30 days Moderate not excessive period. Please pray that it will.stop. it is already 6th day.
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