normal menstrual cycle

  1. natasha2

    Acid reflux, gastritis, digestive issues....### cycle....efficiency...preparing for the ###...peace/sleep

    No fast or heavy heartbeat. No high blood pressure. No pulsating in my ears. No diarrhea. No gastritis. No nausea. No acid reflux. No bitter taste. No any digestive issues. Everything healthy in my body, including intestines, stomach, throat. Normal menstrual cycle. Regular...
  2. Anonymous

    Prayer request: Had a strange pregnancy test result.

    Prayer request: Had a strange pregnancy test result. One line was dark and seen a faint line as well. I don't know if I'm pregnant. But I had spotting like a month ago, had strange pink discharge and for two months haven't had a normal menstrual cycle. Not sure if I'm pregnant.
  3. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle, sleep, high efficiency, summer hollydays

    Normal menstrual cycle. My period lasts for to long now. Pray that it will stop. Pray for easy healthy effortless menopause transition. No headake or high blood pressure. Good sweet sleep. Enough of sleep. Normal.stomach acid. High efficiency in everything I do this weekend especially home...
  4. Anonymous

    Please pray for a healthy period

    I need to have a normal menstrual cycle, no pain, and hormonal balance.
  5. Elir

    God please cure my menstrual imbalance. I ...

    God please cure my menstrual imbalance. I want back my normal menstrual cycle without any treatments. Please help.
  6. Anonymous

    Praying for a normal menstrual cycle and ...

    Praying for a normal menstrual cycle and normal ovulation 🙏🏽Healing is the childrens bread!
  7. natasha2

    Normal menstrual cycle, regular, harmony in my body

    Please pray that everything will be alright with my period. Normal menstrual cycle. very regular, not to short cycle, not to excessive period. there are now some symptoms like it will come again to soon. The last period stoped at 15. octobre. Please pray for harmony and health in my body...
  8. Mbololwa Mubita Walker

    My beloved family in Christ Jesus help ...

    My beloved family in Christ Jesus help in my requests..Restoration of my normal menstral cycle and conceiving of a baby girl before July 2021 in Jesus name I pray Amen!Amen!Amen!
  9. natasha2

    Emotions, diggestion, pms, health, joy....

    EVERYTHING AROUND MY EMOTIONS, STOMACH, DIGGESTION, MENSTRUAL CYCLE - HEALTHY, HEALED AND NORMAL. No worry or anxiety. Normal breathing. Normal heartbeat. No diggestive issues. No stomach tensions or pain. No bloating. Relaxation no tension. No PMS or menopause transition symptoms. Normal...
  10. natasha2

    To long/excessive period

    Normal moderate period. 4-6 days Normal menstrual cycle. 28-30 days Moderate not excessive period. Please pray that it will.stop. it is already 6th day.
  11. natasha2

    Normal menstrual cycle

    PLease pray that 1) i would have normal menstrual cycle (28-30 days, not less) 2) i would not have excessive period 3) i would have healthy and stable female organs, hormons, glands, reproductive/female organs 4) i would not have premenstrual symptoms
  12. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle

    Normal menstrual cycle.(cca 28 days) No to long or very excessive periods/bleedings. Healthy moderate periods.(4-6 days) Healthy reproductive organs. Healthy hormonal levels. Healthy endocrine system and organs/glands. No stress. Healthy menopause transition. 50.
  13. natasha2

    Urgent excessive bleeding!!!

    Please pray that this bleeding will stop and no excessive bleeding!! I am scared. I think its conected to stress. Pray for normal heartbeat. Not fast. Relaxation please. Pray for normal menstrual cycle and healthy menopause transition. I am 50. Thank you!! Amen
  14. natasha2

    Stop the bleeding, menstr cycle

    Please pray that my menstrual cycle will be normal. Stop to long bleeding (30 days). 1) normal menstrual.cycle 2) normal hormonal levels 3) health of hormonal and endocrine system 4) health of female and reproductive organs 5) purification of female and reproductive organs of anything that is...
  15. natasha2

    Normal cycle, period

    Please pray that i will have normal menatrual cycle and normal period. No to long period or to excessive or without end period. In Jesus name. Health of my hormonal, endocryne system, nerves qnd female organs. Everything that is not of God Jehowa in my body be dissolved, removed from my body...
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