Normal heart beat
Normal blood pressure
No headake
No noise in the neighbourhood
Good sweet sleep
Waking up on te
On time for work (witha train)
No lateness of the train
No issues with stomach
Normal stomach acid
Normal heart bear
Normal blood pressure
Good sweet sleep
Enough of sleep
Waking up.on time
Coming on time for work.
No loosing money on cab.
Relaxarion of my body.
Normal.heart beat.(i can heart ears)
Normal.blood pressure.(not high)
Good sweet sleep.
Everythimg alright stomach intwstimes, diggestion, amen
Lord have mercy on my mom and let her hace good sweet sleep. She often has sleeping problems.
Normal blood pressure.(not high)
Relaxed body.
Normal heart beat (not fast).
Normal stomach acid.
No nausea.
No pain in my neck in some positions.
No pain in my lower abdomen.
Normal not excessive period.
Not to long period (4-6 days).
Regular menstrual cicle, not to short or to...
28 30 days menstrual cycle
4 6 days regular menstrual cycle
bad nights heat wave
country: croatia
fast normal stomach acid
good sweet sleep
helena breast cancer
lower abdomen
normal blood pressure
I dont feel good.
Fast heart beat.
Chills in my body.
Pain and unease all.over my body.
Diggestive issues/gastritis or/and PMS.
Little stabbimg in the area of intestimes.
Nausea in my stomach
Probably to much acid.
Please pray for releif.
Relaxed body, no chills, normal heart beat...
Stomach virus.
No nausea.
No discomfort in.muscles.
No slight headake.
Normal heart beat, not strong or fast.
To fall asleep when i come home and get healthy.
Catching up a sleep today in the afternoone.
Good sweet sleep tonight.
Nobody and noone spoling my sleep.or robbing me of it.
As soon as i lay down falling asleep.
Relaxed body.
Normal stomach acid.
Normal blood pressure.
Normal heart beat.
No mosquito bites.
No feeling of heat (heat wave here).
Good sweet sleep.
For me and my whole family, mother, father, brother.
Normal heart beat. (me, my family)
Relaxation, not tension in my abdomen/stomach. (me and my mother)
Normal heart beat.
No irritation inflammation of throat and stomach.
No feeling of vomiting.
No tiredness.
Good sweet nice sleep.
Enough of sleep.
Normal heart beat:
Relaxed body:
No PMS or menopause symptoms:
Regular menstrual cycle:
Period not coming to early but every thirty days:
Moderate period:
Easy menopause transition:
Now: good sweet sleep:
Please pray that my mother be well.
She had tantrums today manipulating me.
But still pray for her.
Normal blood pressure, normal heart beat, no health issues like gastric or diggestiv issues, good sweet sleep.
No any other health problems.
No worry, fear, anxiety, negative feelings, hate...
country: croatia
digestive issues
fear anxiety
good sweet sleep
health issues
negative feelings
normal blood pressure
other health problems