Normal gastric acid.
No bloating problems.
No diggestive issues.
No pain, nausea or acid reflux.
No hardening of stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
Normal blood pressure.
Normal heartbeat.
Normal gastric acid.
No wounds or swellings or inflammations on my lipps, in my mouth or in gastrointestinal system.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Gratitude, fullfillement of the Holy spirit, joy, positive thinking.
No pain in the throat or throat glands, jaw or similar.
Normal swallowing.
Normal gastric acid.
No gastritis.
No nausea.
No pain or inflammation in teeth, dental flesh or stomach.
No unease in my body.
Relaxed body.
Normal breathing. No heavy breathing when i walk faster.
Please pray that any swollen flesh in my mouth will be healed and general swelling will subside.
Also i bit on the mouth flesh with my back teeth and it is swallen. PLease pray that it will heal.
Normal gastric acid because this causes swellings.
Please pray that those dry wounds in the corner of my lipps will go away.
Normal gastric acid. Normal heartbeat. Normal breathing. Good sweet sleep.
Godly mate/man for me. I am 50 and a bit sad.
country: croatia
dry wounds
good sweet sleep godly mate man
normalgastricacidnormalgastricacidnormal heartbeat normal breathing good sweet sleep godly mate man