
  1. natasha2

    Noise cutting grass machine - need peace for work

    Please no noose of a grass cutting machine. I am preparing my school classes in the school and soon I will have classes and we will not be able to do proper work. Please no disturbances. Our principal does not want to rearrange the schedule of this noisy work. I really don't understand!! Please...
  2. natasha2

    No lateness of the train!! Me on time for work

    No lateness of the train please. Me on time for work. Exactly at 12.50 pm in my school and in the teachers room in Jesus name. No noise in the train but peace. No smoke of cigarettes in and around train in Jesus name
  3. natasha2

    Someone is working wuth the drilling machine. ...

    Someone is working wuth the drilling machine. The noose is unbearable. I mustsleep and heal from this flue. Thank you No irritation inflammation pf my larynx and vocal.cords, no.pain in my muscles, leggs, back.. Easy caughing out. Health of vocal cords
  4. natasha2

    No noise, grass cutting machines, loud neighbours etc, my sleep

    No noose in my building. No noise in my neighbourhood. No.noise in my arrea. Especially grass cutting machines. Lord, please let them do the work when i am not home. Its so annoying, loud. Yesterday one man, today the other. Sometimes two or three at once. Lord i need peace. Thank younJesus for...
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