Father, I thank you so much for answering my prayer of doing a thing for me in my recently finished course work (thermofluids). You’re truly a prayer answering God and You heard me.
I am forever grateful and I pray You see me through this next course: Embedded Systems. I invite You to study...
My Lord, I humbly pray please forgive me my sins. Please bless me to pass my Philosophy class with a C even if it is a low C. Please help me and bless me with heavenly wisdom, and knowledge to create an excellent presentation for my philosophy class. Please bless my professor be fair in the...
My Lord, thank you for waking me up this day. My family and pets as well. My Lord, I humbly pray that I will receive an excellent grade on my document analyzis portfolio for my History class. My Lord, please bless me to pass my History class with an excellent grade, so that I can procced to my...