Lord I ask for mercy not be expelled from school, not to be suspended and not to affect my academic year Father let my case be forgotten and not brought up Father I ask for mercy on my life and the life of my family El-roi El-roi I ask for divine academic excellence in my current exams with a...
I’m in high school and I’ve always struggled with friendships and I just lost a bunch of them that were very important to me and I just feel so betrayed because they didn’t ever fight for our friendship or care about me at all and I know God took them away from me for a reason because they were...
Pray for my mother to be healed from paralysis and deliver her from jealousy from her job site . I pray for my green card to be approved , for excellence in my education , career and gifting . I pray to be engaged to the love of my life this time by next year . Amen
Dear God i don't know why my bf since getting back with him leaves me so lonely feeling and like i am invisable i don't feel he is interested as he is saying he is or loves me way says he does because of his actions he doesn't seem to see me or hear me though i am carrying the baby i think he...
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls save anyone thT is still in need of u. Pls show me if it's your will that I work at United Supermarkets or if should remain at current job till its time for me to move next year. Amen.
Heavenly pls break and crush all evil desires evil wishes lustful thoughts. Pls that I will have money to move to tha dallas Fort worth TX area and work and live here next year. Amen.
Dear God, Thank You for prayers answered! Please bless my daughter and help her to be successful in her finals today and tomorrow! She works so very hard! Please help her to be happy and healthy and have nice friends to spend time with and room with next year. Amen, I love You!
Oh lord I pray for marital settlement, l pray to be celebrated next year (wedding) Amen. I pray l meet my ordained husband this year to know each other Amen 🙏oh lord please bless me financially Amen.l pray for protection, mercy,grace,blessing and provision in my life and family Amen Amen. Oh...
Dear Lord, thank you i yave passed the reuirements yesterday. Praying for their approval so I can start already the survey and graduate for next year. amen