prayer requests have been posted concerning several issues with my sister's newly placed heating furnace that gave problems (a.o. leakage of the new tubes and problems with the radiators that gave no heat and stayed cold or some gave too much heat). My sister called me tonight with a praise...
My lord my god I ask you please please bless me please lord wuty new thd tiral very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new cosmetics I desire that are amazing for my skin lord in every way please lord in new pump bottles new tubes at realky great prices...
country: united kingdom
incredibly skill wisdom
new cosmetics
new foundations
new pump bottles
right color tones
right inches
tinted moisturizer
trial success victory
Lord I ask you please please bless me please lord wuty the total total very very best ever please new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desire please lord for my skin in every single way pleaee now abubdantly without any delay that I put on domt what to take off...
country: united kingdom
giddy best
great prices
new foundations
new pump bottles
new tinted moisturizer cosmetics
skin teeth
tone videos
trial total success victory
Lord I ask you please please bless me please with new the tital verh very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new very best ever cosmetucs I desure please lord the tital very very best for my skin please lord in every way that I put on dont want to take...
country: united kingdom
incredibly wisdom skill
new foundations
new make
new pump bottles
newtubesnew very best
right knee colors tons
tinted moisturizer
total million dollars
Lord I ask you please please bless me please lord wuth new the tital very very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desure please lord the tital very best for my skin in evefy wah that I put on dont want take off that I look feel incredibly beautiful...
Lord I ask you please please lord bless me please lord wuty new total very very best ever please new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new vdry very best ever cosnetucs please lord for my skin in every way abundantly now please without any delay that I put on dont...
country: united kingdom
great great abundance
great prices
million dollars
new foundations
new pump bottles
new total
tinted moisturizer
total total success victory
Lord please please bless me please with new the tital very very best ever please new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desire please lord the total very very best ever for my skin in evdry way please lord that I put on dont want take off thst i look feel so so...
abu delay
country: united kingdom
delay lord
great prices
new foundations
shops places
tinted moisturizer cosmetics
total success victory
My lord my God I ask you please please bless ms please with new the tital tital very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosnetucs please lord I desire the very very best ever please lord for my skin in every way thst I put on dknt want take off that I look feel...
I am asking you pleasd please lird bless me please wuth new the tital tital very very best efer please new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosnetucs I desire please lord for my skin in every way please lird that I put on dont want to take off that I lokk feel titallh...
beautiful stunning verh rasjabt
country: united kingdom
great great abundance
great prices
new foundations
new ph p bottles
new tinted moisturizer cosmetics
total success victory
younger bday prashant duty
Lord I ask you please please bless me please wuth the very very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desire please lord the titak very very best ever for my skin in every way now please lird that i put on dont whatnot take off that I look feel...
Lord please please bless me me please with new the totally titally very very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers bee very best ever cosmetics please lord in every way now always that are tught so so very amazing for my skin in every way new ouno bottles new tubes...
Lord I ask you please please lord bless me pleasd lird wuth new the very very best ever bew foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new cosmetics I desire please lord thst are so amazing rught for my skin in eveth way please thst I put on dont want to take off that i lokk...
Lord I ask you please please bless me please with new the very very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desure please lord the very best best ever for my skin in every way lord that I put on dont want to take off lord that i look feel so very stunning...
Lord I ask you please please bless me please with new very very best ever new foundations very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desire please lord the very very very best for my skin in every way nks thst I put on dont want take off in new pump bottles new tubes at really great...
country: united kingdom
great bargain prices
great great abundance
great prices
new foundations
new pump bottles
new tinted moisturizers cosmetics
particular things
products items
Lord I ask you please please bless me please with new the very very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new very best ever cosmetics I desure that are so very amazing for my skinning every way in new pump bottles new tubes at realky great prices in great...
company primark store
country: united kingdom
great great abundance
great prices
new foundations
new pump bottles
newtubesnew very best
piynd land stores
tinted moisturizer
Lord I ask you please please bless me with new the very very total very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new very very best ever cosnetucs I desire please lord tge very very best for my skin in every way that I put on dont want to take off thst I look...
country: united kingdom
great bargain prices
great great abundance
great prices
houses mansions villas furniture jewelry bags
new foundations
new make
new pump bottles
particular things products items
Lord I ask you please please bless me please with new very very best ever new foundations new very best ever new tinted mostruisers all the new cosmetucs I desure please lord that are right so very amazing for my skin in everh way that put in dint want to take off please lord look incredibly...
compahys primark stores 1pound land
country: united kingdom
good prices
ij names
new cosmetics desire
new foundations
new make up
new pump bottles
new tinted moisturizer
Lord please please bless me please with new the very verh best ever new foundations new tinted mostruisers I desire tge very very best for my skin in every way please lord thst I put on dont want to take off thst i lokk feel so very beautiful stunning with very radiaht with in new pump bottles...
Please please all.pray lord I ask you please please bless me please lord to.plesse please look incredibly beautiful geourgeous stunning very radiaht amazing young youthful healthy in evefh way part of me in all everh single all every photographes all evefy videis selfues snap chats watapp videos...
amazing incredibly compliments
child health beauty youth appearance hair teeth skin
country: united kingdom
gorgeous stunning
new foundations
new pump bottles
radiant amazing young youthful
self esteem
white hair
Lord this is very important yo me nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lird bless me please lord with thd total very very very best ever new foundations new very very best ever new tinted mostruisers cosmetics I desire please lord the total...
akk shops
country: united kingdom
great great abundance
great prices
new foundations
new pump bottles
new tinted moisturizer cosmetics
total million dollars
total victory success