new suitable job

  1. Miranda T

    Financial income and wisdom n focus to practice bible

    Pray that God will give me wisdom to rewrite my cv today and know which job to apply. Pray for a new suitable job with work life balance, can work from home, in office I don't have to walk stairs, slope and I can sit on a flat hard chair without needing to sit on sift chair to avoid misalignment...
  2. Miranda T

    New Job

    Pray that God will heal my eyes and my neck. Besides, provide me with a new job as my current job started for around one month, this one month my pelvis is injured, I got covid from my boss who positive but still no mask in office, then now doubled vision and long covid symptoms, I am very...
  3. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a new job

    Pray for Healing of left foot injury and the bruises of the bones and ligaments, so that I can walk without pain very soon and can return to office next Monday. Pray also for healing of my right sacroilliac (SIJ) joint no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from tiredness, anxiety. Pray...
  4. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a new job

    Pray for Healing of left foot injury and the bruises of the bones and ligaments, so that I can walk without pain very soon. Pray also for healing of my right sacroilliac (SIJ) joint no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from tiredness, anxiety. Pray for provision of a new suitable job...
  5. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a job

    Pray for healing of my right sacroilliac (SIJ) joint no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from tiredness, anxiety. Pray for provision of a new suitable job by end of Dec. Protection from traps and insults from my boss and workmate in my current temp job. Pray that there will be...
  6. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a new job

    Pray for healing of my right sacroilliac (SIJ) joint no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from recovery of heaving menstruation period Pray for provision of a new suitable job by end of Dec. Pray that there will be no overtime of work today. God will let my body recovered and give...
  7. Miranda T

    New Job

    Pray that God will open a new suitable job for me. In Jesus' name. AMEN!
  8. Miranda T

    Healing and provision of a new job

    Pray for healing of my left scapular, no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from heaving menstruation period Pray for provision of a new suitable job by end of Dec. Pray that there will be no overtime of work today. God will let my body recovered and give me more strength n wisdom to...
  9. Miranda T

    Healing and also provide a new job

    Pray for healing of my left scapular, no more dislocation and snapping sound. Healing from heaving menstruation period Pray for provision of a new suitable job by end of Dec. Pray that there will be no overtime of work today. God will let my body recovered and give me more strength n wisdom...
  10. Miranda T

    very depressed

    I am facing lots of difficult times, especially in my new job, I feel very upset. I hope God will comfort me and put me to sleep as I really have to rest. Pray that God will prepare a new suitable job for me very soon. In Jesus' name. AMEN!
  11. SAMV

    Please pray for Paulo to be offered ...

    Please pray for Paulo to be offered a new suitable job, and for all other areas of his life and ours. Please pray for peace, comfort and understanding of God's will and purpose, for patience and perseverance. May Paulo be contacted by the right firm offering him the right job in the best...
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