new principle

  1. natasha2

    Really worried about my working schedule

    Lord this is absolutely unbeleivable. The devil is changing my school schedule (i am teacher) so that i must spend really alot of time in a train or in the school. I work in another city. I am so mad and frustrated. Since this new principle came, things are not working good for me. But i hear...
  2. natasha2

    Protection; elections for the new principle

    Protection from any evil today. Protection from any evil in the school. Today are elections for the new principle. Let peace reign. Lord, open my eyes for whom to vote. Amen.
  3. natasha2

    Priniciple-elections; protection-end of the school year for some classes

    Please pray that i would choose the right person for the principle. There are elections for the new principle in our highschool. Please pray for protection against any noise (whistles) and tiny papers that can dammage eyes or breathing canals. Some classes celebrate the end of the school year...
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