We pray in the name of Jesus Christ that the Lord will confer upon us the means for our fellow Christians Bros. and sises to be sufficient for them to continue their business wherever they are. Please, promote their reputation that customers will find their locale to share by word of mouth...
country: united states
culture ideas
current cultural gaps
different ideas
fellow christians bros
full pocket
local peoples
modern business
new businesses
The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot [carrying an Ethiopian official] and stay near it."
—Acts 8:29 NIV
Key Thought
As in a previous Key Thought section, we are reminded again that reaching the ends of the earth with the good news of Jesus is the Holy Spirit's work. Throughout the book...
8 29 niv key thought
country: reserved
eugene h peterson
four great cities
holy bible new international version
holy spirit acts
major touch points
previous key thought section
tyndale house publishers inc