new leads

  1. Vendhus

    Can you please pray: 1.that God gives ...

    Can you please pray: 1.that God gives me endurance in crisis, which happens each month when rent and bills need to be paid 2. that I keep my faith in filling grant applications, which are extremely hard to find online and utterly picky about information being filled 3. that volunteers completely...
  2. Sithath

    Please, please pray that I get to ...

    Please, please pray that I get to my goal or very close to it for my job!! It is so very important!! We have seen changes and I have a whole bunch of new leads to contact. Please pray I can be successful
  3. Sithath

    Success with Job performance

    I just got switched to a different area in my job and I am still needing to hit my goals. Please pray that I can do this! I am 4 short of the goal. Also, please pray for understanding that I am still trying to work into this new group with new leads and materials to work through to get to the...
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