new friend's

  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Praying For All Of You A Soo Happy Holiday Season...from The Father, His Son, and The Holy Ghost...and here's some pretty music to cheer you up...

    Abba--Daddy--Father--God In Jesus's Name Bless each and everyone on this prayer website Keep them all soo safe and in Your Loving Care Protect and Provide for each one in every area of their lives... And here's some soo lovely relaxing music to cheer you up and worship The Lord to...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need A Friend

    Dear Abba--Daddy--God i am reaching out to some people in this new state where perhaps i am re--locate and i am hoping to make some new friend's please send the right people my way and help me make the right connection with them.......thank-you soo much God ! i ask this with much
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need A Friend

    Dear Abba--Daddy--God i am reaching out to some people in this new state where perhaps i am re--locate and i am hoping to make some new friend's please send the right people my way and help me make the right connection with them.......thank-you soo much God ! i ask this with much
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