new career change

  1. LoveChrist

    Prayer: Starting New job

    Good morning and thank you all for your prayers! I am starting a new job this week and whole new career change. I will now be working in the home health industry as a home health aide. Please pray for guidance, compassion and for me to be successful in this role. Prayers for me to meet the...
  2. Anonymous

    Please pray for Vilija and an intercession ...

    Please pray for Vilija and an intercession for her so she is an able to find a new ideal well suited career path . At position / career where she is accepted, respected and acknowledged for her work by leadership and others. Please pray for guidance, direction and clarity to help place Vilija on...
  3. Oligalizo

    Prayer for a new career change

    Archangel Sachiel I pray that you bless me with a new career change that is fulfilling, prosperous, and has opportunities for growth and development. May I be blessed with the gifts of strength confidence and hope to find this career change. May this career change be aligned with my talents and...
  4. Needabreakthru

    I quit my school due to Bullying, ...

    I quit school due to Bullying, Ostracism, and shunning . This was a new career change I was passionate about , and I advised the individual in charge. Please pray for me and for all the enemies to be exposed
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