Managed to go through I had the new annointed water sprayed into my mouth and body wearing the sticker more than armed then I challenged the interview had confidence the new annointed water is a bomb I conquered breakthrough I'm so so thankful to all partners in Christ who prayed and blessed me...
Prayer for success I'm definitely positive that the interview went well because I was accompanied by God of TB Joshua I had my old sticker on my body sprayed with new annointed water which I got from. my daughter Letitia and put a demand on my faith and had confidence thank you for all your...
Good morning sir, I am Mr ngouagnia jean in west Cameroon, I am and evangelist and a Spiritual counselor, what can I do to receive the new anointed water to help in my own earier? Thanks for untastanding,Emmanuel.
Lord i pray tht u use man of God prophet Tb Joshua to deliver me and restore me. Heal my mom and Dad. (MY FATHER HAS A LEG ULCER AND MOM HAD OPEN HEART SURGERY.PLS MON OF GOD I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A NEW ANNOINTED WATER.May Almighty God bless u and give u strenght in everything tht u do.
Hi man of God/Emmanuel tv I have been searching for the means to send my prayer requests hope this is the real Web side please sir am in need of your prayers my family is leaving a life of misery we are 8 of us in the family yet none is able to boost of a job or means to earn a leaving I in...