new age spirits

  1. Azinsa

    Prayer Against Spiritual Warfare

    Spirit of our God Father Son and Holy Spirit most Holy trinity descend upon me fill me with yourself and use me banish all forces of evil from me; destroy them vanquish them so that I can be healthy and do good deeds. Banish from me all curses (generational curses), hexes, spells, witchcraft...
  2. Abmirrion

    Hi - I need some prayer please: ...

    Hi - I need some prayer please: I took my Dad to the Island on Thursday to see his brother who is Palliative and came home on Monday night and our dog Samantha is completely blind. She was fine when I left on Thursday. I think this is a spiritual attack as there was some weird spirits at the...
  3. Balogli

    Lord grant me a good rest.

    Pray for the Holy Spirit come to give me a rest. Lord protect me from the new age spirits. Lord show my wife the truth. Thanks!
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