My nephew Michael was in a bad car accident and was thrown out of the car. He fractured his L5 vertebrae and may be paralyzed. Please pray that God heals him completely soon, that he isn't paralyzed, and that he has a speedy recovery and can walk fine soon. Thank you and may God bless.
My nephew Michael is struggling mental and desperately needs prays to cast out the demons in him that are causing tremendous chaos. Prayer also for my sister, his aunt that he loves with. Her name is Lorie. Thank you!
My nephew Michael is recently rehabilitated from drugs. We discovered satanic tattoes like 666 and other on his arm. Please pray for his deliverance. He wants to change. I believe that God can deliver him completely
During our quarantined period from Covid 19 please pray that we are negative ( me and my nephew Michael) and no symptoms will arise. Hope my itchy throat will disappear as soon as possible