My Mother broke her right hip and shoulder as well as injuring her right knee replacement. I pray for her healing and successful surgery which is imminent. I pray in Jesus' name, praise God.
Hey everyone I would like to ask for prayers for the following.
1. A place to move into away from my family. This environment is keeping me stuck in old mindsets but, also just keeping stuck in general in terms of moving forward with my life in every sense. I would like to move forward in my...
4 travel opportunities
country: united kingdom
different country
last seven
old mindsets
original color
physical health
safe place
solid career
I need to get over my ex and let him go but it’s hard God help me not bother looking in his direction and keep moving forward I seem to look at my past a lot and I wanna get it away God you give me Power, Love and a sound mind help me get to my full potential and keep working out and eating...
Praying for Katie’s surgery on July 26, 2024. I stand on God’s word and promise and believe that what I am asking in prayer has been received by the grace of God. I pray for protection and safety, both physically and mentally against all harm. I pray for Your blessings for the surgeons and...
Lord, thank you for everything. Thank you for the sustenance and for all the blessings you bestow upon us. Forgive us of our sins, knowingly and unknowingly, and forgive me if I have wronged others. Thank you that despite the trials and tribulations that we are going through, we can still manage...
budding logistics business
country: philippines
financial difficulties
financial healing
long distance trips
one great miracle
right management
sound decisions
Heavenly Father, thank you for answering my prayer. Please forgive all my sins and bless me. Jesus I am jobless and its been more than 3 months I have emailed my resume to Model Co-op Bank I request your intervention so that can review my resume and call me for an interview and offer me a job...
Heavenly Father, thank you for answering my prayer. Please forgive all my sins and bless me. Jesus I am jobless and its been more than 3 months I have emailed my resume to Model Co-op Bank I request your intervention so that can review my resume and call me for an interview and offer me a job...
Heavenly Father, thank you for answering my prayer. Please forgive all my sins and bless me Jesus I am jobless and its been more than 3 months I have emailed my resume to Model Co-op Bank I request your intervention so that can review my resume and call me for an interview and offer me a job...
Heavenly Father, thank you for answering my prayer. Please forgive all my sins and bless me
Jesus I am jobless and its been more than 3 months I have emailed my resume to Model Co-op Bank I request your intervention so that can review my resume and call me for an interview and offer me a job...
Heavenly Father, thank you for our daily sustenance...Please bless us more abundantly as we barely manage to make both ends meet...We are struggling for our everyday expenses - basic necessities, food, bills to pay, our children's education... What we earn mostly goes to interests only of our...
Heavenly Father, thank you for our daily sustenance...Please bless us more abundantly as we barely manage to make both ends meet...We are struggling for our everyday expenses - basic necessities, food, bills to pay, our children's education... What we earn mostly goes to interests only of our...
Heavenly Father, thank you for our daily sustenance...Please bless us more abundantly as we barely manage to make both ends meet...We are struggling for our everyday expenses - basic necessities, food, bills to pay, our children's education... What we earn mostly goes to interests only of our...
Heavenly Father, thank you for our daily sustenance...Please bless us more abundantly as we barely manage to make both ends meet...We are struggling for our everyday expenses - basic necessities, food, bills to pay, our children's education... What we earn mostly goes to interests only of our...
Heavenly Father, thank you for our daily sustenance...Please touch the hearts of our creditors that they may treat us with love and understanding... Give them patience and be with us as we negotiate and talk with them...Lord, we are just starting to pick up the pieces and trying to find ways to...
Let us all enter into His presence with praise, with adoration to Him who made us and brought us here to earth to be a blessings to everyone, as we pray for others, let us all lift our voice to God almighty singing praises to His name. Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of creation. O my...
Dear Lord, I am praying for my son who has a HUGE 6- hour final exam right now. Please rid him from all the stress and anxiety and bring him peace right now Lord please. I pray for wisdom and knowledge so he can score high on this exam and move on to residency. God, he needs You know please let...
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
—Romans 8:1-2 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Can't you imagine...
beloved children
country: reserved
death romans
eternal reward
holy bible new international version 1973
international bible society
scripture quotations
video commentary togather worship
zondervan publishing house
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
—1 Corinthians 15:19 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Wow, what a powerful and sobering thought. Our faith in Jesus' resurrection, and our faith in being joined to him, is so crucial that all else pales in...
19 kjv thoughts
country: reserved
good news
holy bible new international version
international bible society
jesus' resurrection
scripture quotations
sobering thought
zondervan publishing house
Soundness of mind and peace for my mother, she see and hear things and talks off point sometimes. Things like sapents torments her everyday, they must b broken in Jesus name. I pray for peace, unity n kindness for me n my siblings. Marriages for me n my sisters we are over 40. Stagnation b...