name amen xoxox

  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Summary (due to privacy): Prayer request for resolution regarding a compromised account and false accusations.

    I am devastated and very broken-hearted and now I am so weary too. I can't even defend myself because I don't know what lies were told about me. I don't know what to do anymore & I am ready to give up on all of this. I just don't even know if this is worth it for me to fight for my good name &...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I need prayer please to overcome severe anxiety panic attacks & fear where I live is very unsafe I have been hiding in my apt all alone many weeks now

    Dearest Heavenly Father In Jesus's Name Please help me to conquer these daily struggles with fear anxiety & panic that often upset me so much Where I currently live it is extremely unsafe & I often hide in my apt all alone because I am afraid to go out many times Please open the door for...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    SUPER URGENT i need prayer for a diagnostic on my laptop so i know if it can be fixed or not & if it is worth repairing or not Father In Jesus's Name

    Abba-Father-Daddy-God please send the right help that i have need of to make the wisest decision as to whether my laptop can be fixed or can not and if it is worth being fixed or is not PLEASE SEND SOMEONE HONEST & CARING TO HELP & ASSIST ME RIGHT HERE LOCALLY WHERE I LIVE IN JESUS'S NAME AMEN...
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Serious & Urgent Prayer Needed For Protection During A Very Bad Storm This Evening Please Father In Jesus's Name Calm The Weather Down Please Amen XOX

    Today & now all of this evening we have had emergency broadcast alerts on our cell phones for a bad storm with snow & then rain with super high winds all tonight & i think this also continues into tomorrow Father In Jesus's Name Grant Us All Protection Please May my windows not break May there...
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