Pray carrielynn feel better today n pray apt 1 n 2 stop Lieing n stop making false statement against me hope the truth be revil n hope my landlord cash my rent
Pray Judy butt out n stop being mean to me n calm down n stop complaining Pray Nathan loose weight n watch what he eat n exercise n pray Nathan get Higher grades n assignments done
Pray Judy stop Lieing n accusing me of stuff n pray terry n kevin stop allowing apt 1 n 2 do whatever they want n stop trying to make Heidi for for stuff I didn't do
Pray terry n Kevin do something n stop letting apt 1 n 2 do what they want n do property demage the steps are bad I pray the truth be revil n I don't get blame
Pray the truth be revil n apt 1 n 2 stop Lieing n stop making false statement against me Jennifer leave her daughter all by her self n she got a lot of kids over all night raising he'll property demage n demage her apartment to try to get me in trouble I pray apt 1 n 2 make better choices
Pray god protection over apt 3 no harm of danger just want to be left alone n Pray Jennifer stop making false statement against me n stop paying people to do her dirty work I just want to be left alone I don't bother no one
I feel I can’t win 😢😢😢 Nathan is hurt that grandma didn’t say goodbye My mom mad at me for letting him go my mom can’t be running my life or being controlling m now she not talking to me treated me like I am a bad parent I don’t deserve the xtra drama at home I pray for better days It to hot to...