We have a bad administration here in the states. A president who likely has Alzheimer's, a power-mad wife who wants to stay in for the ride, a vice president who laughs hysterically when asked a serious question, a son on cocaine, and a press secretary who defends everything he does and denies...
Vaccine mandate-mark of the beast. Not much difference, Dictatorship is dictatorship. Also the Democrat Party is like Mystery Babylon, and personally , I'm tired of these overbearing people trying to take our freedom away.And our stupid president here in the States is right down in the mud with...
country: united states
democrat party
difference dictatorship
overbearing people
stupid president
vaccine mandate mark
I pray and ask Father God that He would cleanse my family and I from the evils of Roman Catholicism. That my family would stop burning candles to saints, angels and Mary.
I pray that my family and I would leave the Whore of Babylon, to be free from Mystery Babylon the Great. I pray that my dad...