mr sl

  1. Sparklee

    Caring for and helping people

    Humbly ask to grant all work done caring for people reflect Your Agape Love, please grant successful interventions, prepared hearts and nothing is forgotten. Please grant favor with patients, supervisors, all staff, colleagues and owner. Lift up AK, CG, EN, AF, MR, SL, SE, please grant to give...
  2. Sparklee

    Caring for and helping people

    Humbly ask to grant all work done caring for people reflect Your Agape Love, please grant successful interventions, prepared hearts and nothing is forgotten. Please grant favor with patients, supervisors, all staff, colleagues and owner. Lift up CK, AK, CG, EN, MB, MR, SL, SE, please grant to...
  3. Sparklee

    Caring for and helping people

    Humbly ask to grant all work done caring for people reflect Your Agape Love, please grant successful interventions, prepared hearts and nothing is forgotten. Please grant favor with patients, supervisors, all staff, colleagues and owner. Lift up CK, AF, CG, EB, MB, AK, MR, SL, SE, please grant...
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