mr amar vijay bajare

  1. Icharlorus

    My son Mr.Amar Vijay Bajare has gone ...

    My son Mr.Amar Vijay Bajare has gone major surgery of Pituitary Adenoma tumor surgery.After surgery it is observed that his both eyes peripheral vision has lost 40%. Dr.said they cannot give guarantee for regain of lost vision. I am his father &requesting you all to pray for his vision back...
  2. Icharlorus

    My son Mr.Amar Vijay Bajare has gone ...

    My son Mr.Amar Vijay Bajare has gone major surgery of Pituitary Adenoma tumor surgery.After surgery it is observed that his both eyes peripheral vision has lost 40%. Dr.said they cannot give guarantee for regain of lost vision. I am his father &requesting you all to pray for his vision back...
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