mortal man

  1. Gallann

    Please Pray.

    Please Pray this in Jesus' Holy name. Almighty God, Please, I beg Thee, touch me with Thy wondrous healing power, restoring my brain and body to full health. Please Lord God, cover me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet with the most precious blood of Thy son, our saviour, Jesus...
  2. Anonymous

    Please Pray for ###

    Please Pray in the name of Jesus, Please Almighty God, if it is Thy will, bless me with the miracle which is the only sure way to keep me in this world with my family. Please Lord, the miracle which I so desperately seek is beyond the abilities of mortal man, but nothing is impossible for God...
  3. Anonymous

    Please Lift up Your Voices, I Desperately need Almighty God to hear my Prayer.

    Please people, Pray for me in the name of Jesus, Lord God, Thank You for loving me, caring for me and keeping me safe through my childhood, my teenage years and into adulthood. Thank you for loving my family and keeping them safe, Thank you for keeping them safe when my son's car was at the...
  4. Anonymous

    Praying for a miracle.

    Please help me by Praying for me in the name of Jesus. Dear Lord, I still desperately seek the miracle which would allow me to remain in this world. I will offer my spoken Prayer to Thee again before I sleep tonight, and beseech Thee, Hear my Prayer Lord, Hear my Prayer. The miracle I seek is...
  5. Richie woods

    Lord Jesus thank you for your grace ...

    Lord Jesus thank you for your grace and mercy, Lord Jesus we need you Lord, believers cry out to God with me, Lord please protect us from pandemic and Lord Jesus Christ there is so much evil and hate in the world that no mortal man can handle but Lord you can, Lord if only man will repent and...
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