money amount

  1. Anonymous

    I want my money back from scammers

    I pray that my money amount of 3500 USD will be back to me who scammed by someone.
  2. natasha2

    Housing matter, resolved

    Lord, please resolve my issue with a new big condo for me. My mother is restricting me with money amount and often manipulates me but she asks me to search for a new condo online but i had really enough of her restrictions. Like i do everything i can, and then she sais, it is to expensive, i...
  3. natasha2

    Lord, let the devil be removed from my inheritence.

    Lord, please resolve my issue with a new big condo for me. My mother is restricting me with money amount and often manipulates me but she asks me to search for a new condo online but i had really enough of her restrictions. Like i do everything i can, and then she sais, it is to expensive, i...
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