Praise GOD Brethren!
Please pray for me because since July I have still not received my student visa from the US Embassy.
The classes at university are starting on Monday next week and I am a PhD student. It will be difficult for me to catch-up if I miss the opening week(s). I have already...
Am coordinating student research presentations on Monday next week. Please pray for me that nothing goes wrong and please ask God for me to give me ideas and wisdom. Let God put to shame all those who would look forward to see me fail. In jesus name. Amen
Doctors booked me for a Fallopian tube surgery which they said it might likely closed again within a short period after the surgery and that my chances of delivering by myself is not possible. I want the God of NSPPD and the God of pastor Jerry, Uguru and mummy Eno to intervene in my case. I was...
I need healing for my kidney I'm have back pain and stomach pain, I have run some test today again in d hospital, that will be reviewed by a consultant on Monday next week
Pray for my promotional exam on Monday next week. That God will lift up to the next position and crown all my efforts with success.100% in my exam and interview thereafter