pray with me that moms doc will fix her mess up with sending refills for moms meds i went to town to see the doctor but had to leave message and it still not called in to be filled this is a med that mom is not sopose to skip any and had to wait all weekend due to the doc not open so why wont...
prayers for this situation with moms meds to be fixed so she wont have to go without in between last mint doctor left her patients and needed to find new doctor the refills are needed before she see the new doctor and they refuse to give her a few days to get her threw till she see a new doctor...
prayers something out of all i am trying to get my moms meds she is not sopose to stop taking her doctor this week tells her she is no longer in office and need to get diff doctor and she will be without her refills on meds one that has to not stop taking or miss any but yet wont refill her till...